
List of Publications

[原著論文] [国際会議Proceedings] [国際会議Abstract] [総説・解説] [著書] [特許]
[マーカー付きは松本が責任著者] [太字or斜体は主要論文10編]

in press

査読有り原著論文(Original Refereed Papers)

[2000年] [2002年] [2003年] [2004年] [2005年] [2006年] [2007年] [2008年] [2009年] [2010年] [2011年] [2012年] [2013年] [2014年] [2015年] [2016年] [2017年] [2018年] [2019年] [2020年] [2021年] [2022年] [2023年] [2024年] [2025年]


  1. R. Matsumoto, Y. Monda and H. Utsunomiya: Reduction in Barreling of Hollow Cylinder by Ram Pulsation in Upsetting, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 136-7-8(2025), pp. 3421-3430. [DOI:10.1007/s00170-025-15059-z] [OUKA]


  1. R. Matsumoto, S. Kunisawa and H. Utsunomiya: Pore Form and Size Dependence on Plastic Joining Characteristics of Resin/Metallic Foam by Friction Stir Incremental Forming, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 132-1-2(2024), pp. 717-726. [DOI:10.1007/s00170-024-13405-1] [OUKA]
  2. 渡邉啓介, 西川元裕, 中崎盛彦, 松本 良, 宇都宮 裕: 平板の油焼入れによる機械構造用鋼の変態塑性係数の同定と熱処理変形予測の高精度化, 鉄と鋼, 110-9(2024), 668-678. [DOI:10.2355/tetsutohagane.TETSU-2024-030]
  3. H. Utsunomiya, T. Jinnouchi, T. Kitagawa and R. Matsumoto: Kinematical Study on Bonding Criterion in Cold Roll Bonding, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 73/1(2024), pp. 217-220. [DOI:10.1016/j.cirp.2024.04.016]
  4. 松本 良, 植松久稔, 宇都宮 裕: 円錐形工具によるねじり振動付加据込み圧縮における円筒素材の変形挙動(ねじりモーション付加鍛造加工法の開発 第3報), 塑性と加工, 65-764(2024), 125-130. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.65.125] [CiNii]
  5. 渡邉啓介, 西川元裕, 中崎盛彦, 松本 良, 宇都宮 裕: 機械構造用鋼板の油焼入れによるベイナイトおよびマルテンサイト変態の変態塑性係数の同時同定と焼入れ変形の高精度予測, 鉄と鋼, 110-14(2024), 1111-1121. [DOI:10.2355/tetsutohagane.TETSU-2024-090]


  1. 中澤尚之, 松本 良: Cu/Al/Cu積層板の冷間圧延接合特性に及ぼす界面粗さの影響, 銅と銅合金, 62-1(2023), 180-185. [DOI:10.34562/jic.62.1_180] [CiNii]
  2. 西尾小春, 松本 良, 宇都宮 裕, 林 功輔, 日高康善, 杉山昌章: 熱間圧延中の低炭素鋼板の酸化皮膜の変形に及ぼすマンガンの影響, 鉄と鋼, 109-9(2023), 747-752. [DOI:10.2355/tetsutohagane.TETSU-2023-012]
  3. R. Matsumoto, Y. Nakamura and H. Utsunomiya: In Situ Observation of Re-lubrication of Die-Workpiece Interface during Forging with Ram Pulsation, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 101(2023), pp. 675-686. [DOI:10.1016/j.jmapro.2023.06.017] [OUKA]


  1. R. Matsumoto, S. Tanaka and H. Utsunomiya: Enhancement of Plastic Flow in Lateral Direction by Torsional Oscillation in Upsetting and Lateral Extrusion, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 299(2022), 117369. (11 pages) [DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2021.117369] [OUKA]
  2. H. Utsunomiya, Y. Terada, K. Ono and R. Matsumoto: In Situ Observation of the Interface between a Roll and a Sheet in Flat Rolling Process, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 71/1(2022), pp. 245-248. [DOI:10.1016/j.cirp.2022.04.012]
  3. 宇都宮 裕, 谷口大將, 宮本丈二, 松本 良: マルチプロパティデザインの多芯材クラッド押出しによる実現, 銅と銅合金, 61-1(2022), 300-305. [DOI:10.34562/jic.61.1_300] [CiNii]
  4. 谷口大將, 宮本丈二, 松本 良, 宇都宮 裕: 異種金属複合ビレットの押出しにおける界面すべりの影響, 銅と銅合金, 61-1(2022), 306-310. [DOI:10.34562/jic.61.1_306] [CiNii]
  5. R. Matsumoto, K. Hashimoto and H. Utsunomiya: Improvement in Bonding Strength by Applying Circumferential Sliding in Cold Copper/Aluminum Forge-Bonding, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 307(2022), 117685. (9 pages) [DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2022.117685] [OUKA]


  1. S. Lee, Y.D. Im, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Strength and Electrical Conductivity of Cu-Al Alloy Sheets by Cryogenic High-Speed Rolling, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 799(2021), 139815. (11 pages) [DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2020.139815]
  2. R. Matsumoto, S. Komaki, R. Homi and H. Utsunomiya: Formation of NiAl Intermetallic Compound from Powder Mixture of Nickel and Aluminum by Laser Irradiation, Materials Transactions, 62-4(2021), pp. 512-518. [DOI:10.2320/matertrans.MT-M2020319] [CiNii] [OUKA]
  3. 外村圭資, 松本 良, 李 相民, 宇都宮 裕: α黄銅の冷間据込み鍛造におけるねじりモーション付加によるひずみ分布の変化, 銅と銅合金, 60-1(2021), 176-181. [DOI:10.34562/jic.60.1_176] [CiNii]
  4. 谷口大將, 宮本丈二, 松本 良, 宇都宮 裕: 異種金属複合ビレットの押出しにおける不均一変形, 銅と銅合金, 60-1(2021), 280-284. [DOI:10.34562/jic.60.1_280] [CiNii]


  1. W. Jiang, T. Miura, M. Okada, R. Matsumoto and M. Otsu: Improvement of Forming Limit in Height with Alternating Tool Path in Penetrating Tool Friction Stir Incremental Forming, Materials Transactions, 61-5(2020), pp. 1000-1007. [DOI:10.2320/matertrans.P-M2020807] [CiNii]
  2. H. Utsunomiya, R. Aizawa, T. Fujimoto and R. Matsumoto: Curling of Hot-Rolled Steel Sheet Caused by Surface Oxide Scale, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 69/1(2020), pp. 265-268. [DOI:10.1016/j.cirp.2020.04.032]
  3. R. Matsumoto, H. Sakaguchi, M. Otsu and H. Utsunomiya: Plastic Joining of Open-Cell Nickel Foam and Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) by Friction Stir Incremental Forming, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 282(2020), 116691. (10 pages) [DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2020.116691] [OUKA]
  4. 鞭目龍之介, 李 相民, 松本 良, 宇都宮 裕, 三原邦照, 藤原英道: Cu-Ni-Si合金板の強度と導電率に及ぼす極低温高速圧延の影響, 銅と銅合金, 59-1(2020), 213-218. [DOI:10.34562/jic.59.1_213] [CiNii] (日本銅学会 第54回論文賞)
  5. 三浦拓也, 後藤 雅, 大津雅亮, 岡田将人, 吉村英徳, 松本 良, 村中貴幸: SUS304オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼のインクリメンタルフォーミングにおける成形性と微細組織に与える工具回転速度の影響, 塑性と加工, 61-715(2020), 167-174. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.61.167] [CiNii]
  6. R. Matsumoto: Indentation Plastic Joining of Steel Rod and Polycarbonate Plate, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 283(2020), 116719. (8 pages) [DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2020.116719] [OUKA]
  7. H. Ohnishi, K. Takamoto, H. Matsumoto and R. Matsumoto: Microstructural Evolution of A Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Produced by Forging Process Combined with Torsional Motion, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 58(2020), pp. 1161-1170. [DOI:10.1016/j.jmapro.2020.09.019]


  1. L. Li, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Curling of Sheet in Asymmetric Rolling Investigated by Profile Measurement of Partly Rolled Sheet, ISIJ International, 59-3(2019), pp. 489-495. [DOI:10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2018-528] [CiNii]
  2. R. Matsumoto, T. Kagechika and H. Utsunomiya: Finite Element Analysis of Shape Accuracy of Billet Cold-Forged with Stepwise Ram Motion, Mechanical Engineering Journal, 6-3(2019), 18-00523. (12 pages) [DOI:10.1299/mej.18-00523] [CiNii]
  3. H. Utsunomiya, S. Kameyama and R. Matsumoto: Contact Resistance between Roll and Titanium Sheet during Cold Rolling, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 68/1(2019), pp. 305-308. [DOI:10.1016/j.cirp.2019.04.032]
  4. S. Lee, R. Matsumoto, H. Utsunomiya and H. Fujiwara: Cryogenic High-Speed Rolling of Cu-5mass% Zn Alloy Sheet, 銅と銅合金, 58-1(2019), 52-57. [CiNii]
  5. 松本 良, 塚誠司, 宇都宮 裕: 冷間後方カップ押出し鍛造におけるねじり振動付加による軸方向押出し荷重の低減(ねじりモーション付加鍛造加工法の開発 第1報), 塑性と加工, 60-703(2019), 235-240. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.60.235] [CiNii] (日本塑性加工学会 第56回論文賞)
  6. 松本 良, 塚誠司, 宇都宮 裕: 冷間後方カップ押出し鍛造におけるねじり振動付加による押出し部の表面性状および形状の変化(ねじりモーション付加鍛造加工法の開発 第2報), 塑性と加工, 60-703(2019), 241-246. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.60.241] [CiNii]
  7. W. Jiang, T. Miura, M. Otsu, M. Okada, R. Matsumoto, H. Yoshimura and T. Muranaka: Development of Penetrating Tool Friction Stir Incremental Forming, Materials Transactions, 60-11(2019), pp. 2416-2425. [DOI:10.2320/matertrans.P-M2019841] [CiNii]
  8. T. Kitashima, R. Matsumoto, Y. Yoshida, H. Matsumoto, T. Nishihara, S. Kuroda, N. Motohashi, M. Hagiwara and S. Emura: Measurement and Prediction of Temperature Increase during Isothermal Forging of Titanium-6 Aluminum-4 Vanadium, Materials Performance and Characterization, 8-1(2019), pp. 389-401. [DOI:10.1520/MPC20190075]


  1. H. Utsunomiya, K. Tada, R. Matsumoto, K. Watanabe and K. Matsuda: Nano Precipitation and Hardening of Die-Quenched 6061 Aluminum Alloy, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 18-3(2018), pp. 2200-2202. [DOI:10.1166/jnn.2018.15007]
  2. L. Li, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Experimental Study of Roll Flattening in Cold Steel Rolling Process, ISIJ International, 58-4(2018), pp. 714-720. [DOI:10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2017-623] [CiNii]
  3. H. Utsunomiya, S. Maeda, T. Imai and R. Matsumoto: Necking Condition of Layers in Clad Sheets during Rolling, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 67/1(2018), pp. 317-320. [DOI:10.1016/j.cirp.2018.04.056]
  4. R. Matsumoto, S. Mori, M. Otsu and H. Utsunomiya: Formation of Skin Surface Layer on Aluminum Foam by Friction Stir Powder Incremental Forming, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 99-5-8(2018), pp. 1853-1861. [DOI:10.1007/s00170-018-2633-2]
  5. W.Y. Kim, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Prediction of Deformation Behavior of Metallic Foams Using a Yield Criterion for Compressible Materials, Materials Transactions, 59-12(2018), pp. 1892-1897. [DOI:10.2320/matertrans.M2018215] [CiNii]


  1. V. Siboniso, J. Yeon, C. Grozescu, H. Goto, M. Nakamoto, R. Matsumoto, H. Utsunomiya and T. Tanaka: Mechanism of the Unusual Wetting of a Surface Fine Crevice Structure Created by Laser Irradiation, Materials Transactions, 58-8(2017), pp. 1227-1230. [DOI:10.2320/matertrans.M2017115] [CiNii]
  2. W.Y. Kim, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Deformation and Density Change of Open-Cell Nickel Foam in Compression Test, Materials Transactions, 58-10(2017), pp. 1373-1378. [DOI:10.2320/matertrans.L-M2017829] [CiNii]
  3. R. Matsumoto, J. Kou and H. Utsunomiya: Reduction in Axial Forging Load by Low-Frequency Torsional Oscillation in Cold Upsetting, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 93-1-4(2017), pp. 933-943. [DOI:10.1007/s00170-017-0553-1]


  1. 福田 敦, 佐竹義旦, 後藤弘樹, 鈴木賢紀, 中本将嗣, 松本 良, 宇都宮 裕, 田中敏宏: レーザ加工により表面微細構造を作製した鉄基板と液体Bi,InおよびSnの濡れ性, スマートプロセス学会誌, 5-2(2016), 153-158. [DOI:10.7791/jspmee.5.153] [CiNii]
  2. M. Nakamoto, A. Fukuda, J. Pinkham, S. Vilakazi, H. Goto, R. Matsumoto, H. Utsunomiya and T. Tanaka: Joining of Copper Plates by Unusual Wetting with Liquid Tin and Tin-Lead Solder on "Surface Fine Crevice Structure", Materials Transactions, 57-6(2016), pp. 973-977. [DOI:10.2320/matertrans.M2015428] [CiNii]
  3. H. Utsunomiya, K. Tada and R. Matsumoto: Die Motion Control for Die-Quench Forging Process of A6061 Aluminum Alloy, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 65/1(2016), pp. 297-300. [DOI:10.1016/j.cirp.2016.04.132]
  4. 松本 良, 森 成秀, 大津雅亮, 宇都宮 裕: 摩擦攪拌インクリメンタルフォーミングおよびインクリメンタルハンマリングの組合わせによる発泡アルミニウムの表面緻密層の増厚と圧縮強度, 軽金属, 66-8(2016), 419-425. [DOI:10.2464/jilm.66.419] [CiNii]
  5. 今井哲之, 白沢卓大, D.J. Yoon, 松本 良, 宇都宮 裕, 織田喜光: クラッド板の冷間圧延における塑性不安定現象の発達, 銅と銅合金, 55-1(2016), 245-249. [CiNii]
  6. R. Matsumoto, S. Kanatani and H. Utsunomiya: Filling of Surface Pores of Aluminum Foam with Polyamide by Selective Laser Melting for Improvement in Mechanical Properties, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 237(2016), pp. 402-408. [DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2016.06.025]


  1. 福田 敦, 松川浩之, 後藤弘樹, 鈴木賢紀, 中本将嗣, 松本 良, 宇都宮 裕, 田中敏宏: レーザー処理により形成した表面微細クレパス構造を利用した特異拡張濡れによる金属接合, 日本金属学会誌, 79-1(2015), 23-28. [DOI:10.2320/jinstmet.J2014043] [CiNii]
    (A. Fukuda, H. Matsukawa, H. Goto, M. Suzuki, M. Nakamoto, R. Matsumoto, H. Utsunomiya and T. Tanaka: Metal-Metal Joining by Unusual Wetting on Surface Fine-Crevice Structure Formed by Laser Treatment, Materials Transactions, 56-11(2015), pp. 1852-1856. [DOI:10.2320/matertrans.M2015301] [CiNii])
  2. R. Matsumoto, H. Tsuruoka, M. Otsu and H. Utsunomiya: Fabrication of Skin Layer on Aluminum Foam Surface by Friction Stir Incremental Forming and its Mechanical Properties, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 218(2015), pp. 23-31. [DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2014.11.030] [OUKA] [Erratum]
  3. R. Matsumoto, S. Harada and H. Utsunomiya: Influence of Oxide Scale Formed on Chrome Steel Surface in Steam Atmosphere on Deformation Behavior of Chrome Steel in Hot Ring Compression, ISIJ International, 55-8(2015), pp. 1711-1720. [DOI:10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2014-754] [CiNii] [Erratum]
  4. 松本 良, 甲斐信宏, 富田雄人, 梶岡 彰, 森 章司, 宇都宮 裕: ショットピーニング処理された超硬合金金型の表面性状の特徴と冷間リング圧縮における潤滑特性, 塑性と加工, 56-656(2015), 793-797. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.56.793] [CiNii]
  5. 風岡 徹, 名取恵子, 松本 良, 宇都宮 裕: Al-Mg合金板のプレス成形解析のための変形抵抗式の測定, 軽金属, 65-11(2015), 568-572. [DOI:10.2464/jilm.65.568] [CiNii]


  1. R. Matsumoto, Y. Osumi and H. Utsunomiya: Reduction of Friction of Steel Covered with Oxide Scale in Hot Forging, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214-3(2014), pp. 651-659. [DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2013.10.011] [OUKA] [Erratum]
  2. R. Matsumoto, K. Hayashi and H. Utsunomiya: Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Friction in High Aspect Ratio Combined Forward-Backward Extrusion with Retreat and Advance Pulse Ram Motion on a Servo Press, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214-4(2014), pp. 936-944. [DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2013.11.017]
  3. J.Y. Jeon, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Two-Step Die Motion for Die Quenching of AA2024 Aluminum Alloy Billet on Servo Press, Materials Transactions, 55-5(2014), pp. 818-826. [DOI:10.2320/matertrans.L-M2014806] [CiNii]
  4. H. Utsunomiya, K. Hara, R. Matsumoto and A. Azushima: Formation Mechanism of Surface Scale Defects in Hot Rolling Process, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 63/1(2014), pp. 261-264. [DOI:10.1016/j.cirp.2014.03.022]
  5. R. Matsumoto, T. Chida, S. Hanami and H. Utsunomiya: Influence of the Press Ram Motion on the Joining Characteristics during Indentation Plastic Joining Using a Servo Press, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214-10(2014), pp. 1995-2001. [DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2013.08.020]
  6. J.Y. Jeon, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Die Quenching Limit of AA2024 Aluminum Alloy Billet on Servo Press, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214-11(2014), pp. 2514-2521. [DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2014.05.015]


  1. M. Noda, R. Matsumoto and Y. Kawamura: Forging Induces Changes in the Formability and Microstructure of Extruded Mg96Zn2Y2 Alloy with a Long-Period Stacking Order Phase, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 563(2013), pp. 21-27. [DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2012.11.072]
  2. 松本 良, 大住勇太, 宇都宮 裕: 金型材料の熱伝導率が熱間鍛造特性へ及ぼす影響, 塑性と加工, 54-627(2013), 363-367. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.54.363] [CiNii]
  3. R. Matsumoto, J.Y. Jeon and H. Utsunomiya: Shape Accuracy in the Forming of Deep Holes with Retreat and Advance Pulse Ram Motion on a Servo Press, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 213-5(2013), pp. 770-778. [DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2012.11.023] [OUKA] [Erratum]
  4. H. Utsunomiya, S. Takagishi, A. Ito and R. Matsumoto: Lubrication Using Porous Surface Layer for Cold Drawing of Steel Wire, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 62/1(2013), pp. 235-238. [DOI:10.1016/j.cirp.2013.03.120]


  1. R. Matsumoto, M. Otsu, M. Yamasaki, T. Mayama, H. Utsunomiya and Y. Kawamura: Application of Mixture Rule to Finite Element Analysis for Forging of Mg-Zn-Y Alloys with Long Period Stacking Ordered Structure, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 548(2012), pp. 75-82. [DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2012.03.088] [CiNii]
  2. 原健一郎, 仲村宗起, 宇都宮 裕, 左海哲夫, 松本 良: 無酸素銅板の熱間圧延における表面酸化皮膜の影響, 銅と銅合金, 51-1(2012), 290-295. [CiNii] (日本銅学会 第46回論文賞)


  1. R. Matsumoto, S. Sawa, H. Utsunomiya and K. Osakada: Prevention of Galling in Forming of Deep Hole with Retreat and Advance Pulse Ram Motion on Servo Press, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 60/1(2011), pp. 315-318. [DOI:10.1016/j.cirp.2011.03.147] (グローバルCOE「構造・機能先進材料デザイン教育研究拠点」第2回論文賞)
  2. 松本 良, 塩見誠規, 能瀬慎也, 河合祐輔, 小坂田宏造: 傾斜機能超硬合金モデルの作製における硬さ分布の制御, 塑性と加工, 52-608(2011), 1017-1021. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.52.1017] [CiNii]


  1. M. Shiomi, S. Imagama, K. Osakada and R. Matsumoto: Fabrication of Aluminium Foams from Powder by Hot Extrusion and Foaming, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 210-9(2010), pp. 1203-1208. [DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2010.03.006]
  2. 松本 良, 地田隆博, 花見眞司: サーボプレスを用いた振動付加植込み接合法(フランジ付軸部品の植込み接合法の開発 第3報), 塑性と加工, 51-593(2010), 597-601. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.51.597] [CiNii]
  3. R. Matsumoto: Ductility Improvement Methods for Commercial AZ31B Magnesium Alloy in Cold Forging, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 20-7(2010), pp. 1275-1281. [DOI:10.1016/S1003-6326(09)60290-9]
  4. R. Matsumoto and K. Osakada: Ductility of a Magnesium Alloy in Warm Forging with Controlled Forming Speed Using a CNC Servo Press, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 210-14(2010), pp. 2029-2035. [DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2010.07.024]


  1. R. Matsumoto, M. Yamasaki, M. Otsu and Y. Kawamura: Forgeability and Flow Stress of Mg-Zn-Y Alloys with Long Period Stacking Ordered Structure at Elevated Temperatures, Materials Transactions, 50-4(2009), pp. 841-846. [DOI:10.2320/matertrans.MRA2008255] [CiNii]
  2. 松本 良, 花見眞司, 小坂田宏造, 吉村豹治: 鋼材−アルミニウム材の異種金属の植込み接合(フランジ付軸部品の植込み接合法の開発 第2報), 塑性と加工, 50-581(2009), 550-554. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.50.550] [CiNii]
  3. R. Matsumoto and T. Chida: Development of Plastic Flow Joining Method Using Indentation of Aluminum Bar to Aluminum Plate, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 3-12(2009), pp. 1223-1232. [DOI:10.1299/jmmp.3.1223] [CiNii]


  1. 花見眞司, 松本 良, 小坂田宏造, 吉村豹治: フランジ付軸部品の植込み接合法の開発, 塑性と加工, 49-567(2008), 316-320. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.49.316] [CiNii]
  2. R. Matsumoto, T. Kubo and K. Osakada: Improvement of Forgeability of a Commercial AZ31B Magnesium Alloy in Cold Backward Extrusion with Counter Pressure, Materials Transactions, 49-5(2008), pp. 1000-1005. [DOI:10.2320/matertrans.MC200710] [CiNii]
  3. R. Matsumoto, S. Hanami, A. Ogura, H. Yoshimura and K. Osakada: New Plastic Joining Method Using Indentation of Cold Bar to Hot Forged Part, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 57/1(2008), pp. 279-282. [DOI:10.1016/j.cirp.2008.03.126]


  1. 松本 良, 河島宏明, 小坂田宏造: テーパ付プラグ通し試験によるマグネシウム合金−表面被覆工具間の無潤滑摩擦測定, 塑性と加工, 48-553(2007), 156-160. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.48.156] [CiNii]
  2. R. Matsumoto, H. Kawashima and K. Osakada: Friction and Adhesion in Dry Warm Forging of Magnesium Alloy with Coated Tools, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 1-4(2007), pp. 397-405. [DOI:10.1299/jmmp.1.397] [CiNii]
  3. 松本 良, 小坂田宏造: AZ31マグネシウム合金の鍛造特性に及ぼす熱処理の影響, 軽金属, 57-7(2007), 274-279. [DOI:10.2464/jilm.57.274] [CiNii]
  4. R. Matsumoto, T. Kubo and K. Osakada: Fracture of Magnesium Alloy in Cold Forging, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 56/1(2007), pp. 293-296. [DOI:10.1016/j.cirp.2007.05.068]
  5. 松本 良, 平山句美子, 小坂田宏造: テーパ付プラグ通し試験による微量潤滑下におけるアルミニウム合金の摩擦評価, 塑性と加工, 48-561(2007), 935-939. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.48.935] [CiNii]


  1. R. Matsumoto, T. Kubo and K. Osakada: Cold Piercing of Magnesium Alloy Billet with High Aspect Ratio, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 46-5(2006), pp. 459-466. [DOI:10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2005.07.039]


  1. 松本 良, 海野陽平, 小坂田宏造, 塩見誠規: レーザ局部加熱による薄肉パイプのダイレス増肉加工, 塑性と加工, 46-530(2005), 239-243. [CiNii]
  2. K. Osakada, R. Matsumoto, M. Otsu and S. Hanami: Precision Extrusion Methods with Double Axis Servo-Press Using Counter Pressure, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 54/1(2005), pp. 245-248. [DOI:10.1016/S0007-8506(07)60094-8]


  1. 松木則夫, 大谷直美, 小坂田宏造, 松本 良: 局部加熱圧縮曲げによるパイプのダイレス増肉加工, 塑性と加工, 45-519(2004), 249-253. [CiNii]
  2. 西山三郎, 高橋 進, 松本 良, 宮下洋介, 塩見誠規, 小坂田宏造: 円柱素材の背圧付加打抜き加工, 塑性と加工, 45-526(2004), 917-921. [CiNii]


  1. 松本 良, 小坂田宏造: ミスト微量潤滑据込み加工における摩擦測定, 塑性と加工, 44-508(2003), 535-539. [CiNii]
    (R. Matsumoto and K. Osakada: Measurement of Friction in Cold Upsetting with Mist Lubrication, Materials Transactions, 45-9(2004), pp. 2891-2896. [DOI:10.2320/matertrans.45.2891] [CiNii])
  2. 松本 良, 小坂田宏造: マグネシウム合金の温間鍛造法の開発, 塑性と加工, 44-510(2003), 760-764. [CiNii]
    (R. Matsumoto and K. Osakada: Development of Warm Forging Method for Magnesium Alloy, Materials Transactions, 45-9(2004), pp. 2838-2844. [DOI:10.2320/matertrans.45.2838] [CiNii])


  1. R. Matsumoto and K. Osakada: Lubrication and Friction of Magnesium Alloys in Warm Forging, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 51/1(2002), pp. 223-226. [DOI:10.1016/S0007-8506(07)61504-2]


  1. K. Osakada and R. Matsumoto: Fundamental Study of Dry Metal Forming with Coated Tools, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 49/1(2000), pp. 161-164. [DOI:10.1016/S0007-8506(07)62919-9]

国際会議Proceedings(Proceedings of International Conference)

[1999年] [2002年] [2003年] [2004年] [2005年] [2006年] [2007年] [2008年] [2009年] [2010年] [2011年] [2012年] [2013年] [2014年] [2015年] [2016年] [2017年] [2018年] [2019年] [2020年] [2021年] [2022年] [2023年] [2024年]


  1. R. Matsumoto: A Review of Oscillation Forging, Proceedings of the 9th JSTP International Seminar on Precision Forging (ISPF 2024), (2024), pp. 83-90. (Invited Lecture)


  1. R. Matsumoto, H. Sakaguchi, M. Otsu and H. Utsunomiya: Specific Strength of Sandwich-Structured Composite of Open-Cell Metallic Foam/Resin Joined by Friction Stir Incremental Forming, Advances in Material Science and Engineering, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, (2023), pp. 343-349. (Proceedings of the 6th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP 2022)) [DOI:10.1007/978-981-19-3307-3_31] [OUKA]
  2. R. Matsumoto, S. Tanaka and H. Utsunomiya: Reduction in Barreling of Hollow Cylinder by Combination of Axial Compression and Circumferential Torsion in Upsetting with Conical Dies, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2023), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 1(2023), pp. 27-35. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-41023-9_3] [OUKA]
  3. H. Utsunomiya, D. Taniguchi, J. Miyamoto and R. Matsumoto: On-Demand Fabrication of Composites with Prescribed Properties by Multifilament Cold Extrusion, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2023), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 1(2023), pp. 491-499. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-41023-9_50]


  1. R. Matsumoto, H. Sakaguchi, M. Otsu and H. Utsunomiya: Friction Stir Powder Incremental Forming for Fabrication of Sandwich-Structured Composite of Open-Cell Nickel Foam with Aluminum, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 414(2022), pp. 179-184. (Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes (ICTMP 2021)) [DOI:10.4028/p-y07tfb]
  2. H. Utsunomiya, Y. Noguchi and R. Matsumoto: Cold Rolling Theory with Relative-Velocity Dependent Friction Law, Proceedings of the 12th International Rolling Conference (Rolling 12), (2022), R12056. (5 pages)
  3. R. Matsumoto, S. Kunisawa and H. Utsunomiya: Influence of Pore Morphology on Joining Characteristics in Plastic Joining of Metallic Foam and Resin by Local Friction Heating, Proceedings of JSME International Conference on Materials and Processing (ICM&P 2022), (2022), Th-2D-1. (4 pages)


  1. T. Kitashima, Y. Yosihda and R. Matsumoto: Temperature Increase during Isothermal Forging of Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Cr-4Mo Alloy Using a 1500-Ton Forging Press, Materials Science Forum, 1016(2021), pp. 702-707. (Proceedings of the International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC'2021)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.1016.702]
  2. S. Lee, R. Muchime, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Texture and Mechanical Properties of Cu Alloy by Cryogenic High-Speed Rolling, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1121(2021), 012009. (6 pages) (Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19)) [DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1121/1/012009]
  3. H. Utsunomiya, N. Ochi, S. Koshi, K. Natori and R. Matsumoto: Suppression of Serration of Al-Mg Sheet by Periodic Indentation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1121(2021), 012010. (6 pages) (Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19)) [DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1121/1/012010]
  4. R. Matsumoto, S. Takatsuka and H. Utsunomiya: Surface Quality of Extruded Sidewall in Cold Backward Cup Extrusion with Low-Frequency Torsional Oscillation, Forming the Future (Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2021)), (2021), pp. 217-225. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-75381-8_18] [OUKA]


  1. H. Cui, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Development of Rotational Incremental Hammering Process for Porous Metals, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (Metfoam 2019), (2020), pp. 27-35. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-42798-6_3]
  2. K. Watanabe, M. Yamada, M. Nakasaki, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Determination of Transformation Plasticity Coefficient of Steel by Horizontal Quenching of Shaft, Procedia Manufacturing, 50(2020), pp. 498-502. (Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2020)) [DOI:10.1016/j.promfg.2020.08.090]


  1. R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Stress Superposition for Axial Load Reduction and Strain Increase in Forging Process, Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Pacific Symposium on Technology of Plasticity (APSTP 2019), (2019), USB Stick (4 pages). (Invited)
  2. R. Matsumoto, S. Takatsuka and H. Utsunomiya: Reduction in Axial Extrusion Load by Low-Frequency Torsional Oscillation in Cold Backward Cup Extrusion, Proceedings of the 52nd International Cold Forging Group Plenary Meeting (ICFG 2019), (2019), pp. 143-148.


  1. R. Matsumoto, H. Utsunomiya and S. Ishigai: Lubrication in Hot Forging with Pulsed Ram Motion, Key Engineering Materials, 767(2018), pp. 149-156. (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes (ICTMP 2018)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.767.149]
  2. H. Utsunomiya, Y. Noguchi, W.Y. Kim and R. Matsumoto: Prediction of Flow Stress Curve of Metallic Foam Using Compressible Constitutive Equation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1063(2018), 012159. (6 pages) (Proceedings of the 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (NUMISHEET 2018)) [DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012159]
  3. H. Utsunomiya, T. Nakagawa and R. Matsumoto: Mechanism of Oxide Scale to Decrease Friction in Hot Steel Rolling, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), pp. 46-51. (Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2018)) [DOI:10.1016/j.promfg.2018.07.168] (Keynote Lecture)
  4. T. Uchibori, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Peripheral Speed of Steel Ring during Hot Ring Rolling, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), pp. 89-96. (Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2018)) [DOI:10.1016/j.promfg.2018.07.174]
  5. R. Matsumoto, Y. Akiyama, H. Deguchi and H. Utsunomiya: Influence of Uneven Interface between Steel and Oxide Scale on Deformation Behavior of Oxide Scale in Hot Ring Compression, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), pp. 349-355. (Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2018)) [DOI:10.1016/j.promfg.2018.07.229]
  6. M. Otsu, S. Nagai, T. Miura, M. Okada, H. Yoshimura, R. Matsumoto and T. Muranaka: Forming Accuracy Improvement by Double-Side Incremental Forming, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), pp. 1177-1183. (Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2018)) [DOI:10.1016/j.promfg.2018.07.371]
  7. R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Application of Pulsed Ram Motion Control to Lubrication in Hot/Warm Forging Process, Proceedings of the 51st International Cold Forging Group Plenary Meeting (ICFG 2018), (2018), pp. 167-176.
  8. R. Matsumoto, T. Kagechika and H. Utsunomiya: Finite Element Analysis of Shape Accuracy of Billet Cold-Forged with Stepwise Ram Motion, Proceedings of the 5th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP 2018), (2018), pp. 32-33 (USB Stick).
  9. S. Lee, Y.D. Im, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Deformation Twinning and Change in Mechanical Properties of Cu-15at%Al in Multi-Pass Cold Rolling, Materials Science Forum, 941(2018), pp. 1523-1528. (Proceedings of the International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC'2018)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.941.1523]


  1. M. Otsu, T. Uchimura, M. Okada, H. Yoshimura, R. Matsumoto and T. Muranaka: Friction Stir Incremental Forming of Preformed Sheets with Improving Bending Stiffness, Procedia Engineering, 183(2017), pp. 131-136. (Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Sheet Metal (SheMet 2017)) [DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.035]
  2. T. Imai, H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Finite Element Analysis of Plastic Instability Phenomenon in Cold Rolling of Clad Sheets, Procedia Engineering, 184(2017), pp. 306-312. (Proceedings of the Advances in Materials & Processing Technologies Conference (AMPT 2016)) [DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.099]
  3. M. Otsu, H. Goto, M. Okada, H. Yoshimura, R. Matsumoto and T. Muranaka: Improvement of Forming Accuracy Using Pre-Formed Shape by Friction Stir Incremental Forming, Proceedings of the JSME/ASME 2017 International Conference on Materials and Processing (ICM&P 2017), (2017), ICMP2017-4388. (4 pages)
  4. W. Jiang, T. Miura, M. Otsu, M. Okada, R. Matsumoto, H. Yoshimura and T. Muranaka: Development of Friction Stir Incremental Forming Process Using Penetrating Tool, Procedia Engineering, 207(2017), pp. 789-794. (Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2017)) [DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.10.830]
  5. M. Otsu, T. Ogawa, T. Muranaka, H. Yoshimura and R. Matsumoto: Improvement of Forming Limit and Accuracy in Friction Stir Incremental Forming with Multistage Forming, Procedia Engineering, 207(2017), pp. 807-812. (Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2017)) [DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.10.833]
  6. R. Matsumoto, N. Kai, Y. Tomita, A. Kajioka, S. Mori and H. Utsunomiya: Characterization of Surface Profile of Shot Peened Cemented Tungsten Carbide Dies with Micro Valleys and Their Lubrication Performance in Cold Forging, Procedia Engineering, 207(2017), pp. 1135-1140. (Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2017)) [DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.10.1138]
  7. H. Utsunomiya, K. Abe and R. Matsumoto: Formation of Roll Coating in Cold Rolling of Titanium Sheets, Procedia Engineering, 207(2017), pp. 1367-1372. (Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2017)) [DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.10.898]


  1. R. Matsumoto, S. Mori, X. Wang and H. Utsunomiya: Tribological Characteristics of TiCN Composite and Co-Based Alloy Dies with Low Thermal Conductivity in Hot Forging, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes (ICTMP 2016), (2016), pp. 88-94. [ISBN:978-616-92565-0-2]


  1. R. Matsumoto, S. Kanatani and H. Utsunomiya: Selective Laser Melting on Aluminum Foam Surface and Mechanical Properties of Fabricated Aluminum Foam with Nonporous Surface Layer, Key Engineering Materials, 651-653(2015), pp. 671-676. (Proceedings of the 18th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2015)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.651-653.671]
  2. M. Otsu, S. Ichikawa, T. Muranaka, H. Yoshimura, R. Matsumoto and M. Okada: Front and Rear Sides Simultaneous Forming by Friction Stir Incremental Forming, Proceedings of the 4th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP 2015), (2015), pp. 45-46.
  3. M. Otsu, W. Jiang, T. Muranaka, R. Matsumoto and M. Okada: Friction Stir Incremental Forming of Aluminum Alloy Sheets with Back Support Die, Proceedings of the 4th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP 2015), (2015), pp. 85-86. (W. Jiang: Best Poster Award, 1st Place)
  4. H. Utsunomiya, T. Yoneda, T. Nakagawa and R. Matsumoto: Surface Morphology of Oxide Scale in Hot Rolling Process, Proceedings of the Asia Steel International Conference 2015 (Asia Steel 2015), (2015), pp. 422-425. (Keynote Lecture)
  5. W.Y. Kim, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Change in Density of Aluminum Foam during Compression Test, Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM XXIV), (2015), pp. 327-334.
  6. R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Numerical Investigation of Forging Load Reduction in Upsetting with Cyclic Torsion Die Motion, Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM XXIV), (2015), pp. 442-447. (Invited)
  7. L. Li, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: TFE Coating for Lubrication in Cold Rolling of Aluminum Sheet, Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM XXIV), (2015), pp. 771-779.


  1. K. Hara, H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Microstructure of Oxide Scale on Hot-Rolled Iron, Advanced Materials Research, 922(2014), pp. 242-247. (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC'2013)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.922.242]
  2. J.Y. Jeon, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Feasibility Study on Die Quenching of AA2024 Aluminum Alloy Billet Using Servo Press, Advanced Materials Research, 922(2014), pp. 286-291. (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC'2013)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.922.286]
  3. T. Kazaoka, D. Zhou, N. Kataoka, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Microstructural Evolution of AA5052 Alloy Sheets in High-Speed Rolling, Advanced Materials Research, 922(2014), pp. 344-349. (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC'2013)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.922.344]
  4. S. Manabe, H. Utsunomiya, T. Sakai and R. Matsumoto: Morphology of Edge Cracks of Rolled Magnesium Alloy Sheet, Advanced Materials Research, 922(2014), pp. 469-474. (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC'2013)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.922.469]
  5. R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Punch Wear in the Forming of Deep Holes with Pulse Ram Motion on a Servo Press, Key Engineering Materials, 611-612(2014), pp. 127-133. (Proceedings of the 17th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2014)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.611-612.127]
  6. M. Otsu, Y. Katayama, T. Muranaka and R. Matsumoto: Finite Element Analyses of Conventional Single Point Incremental Forming and Friction Stir Incremental Forming of Aluminum Alloy Sheets, Proceedings of the JSME/ASME 2014 International Conference on Materials and Processing (ICM&P 2014), (2014), CD-ROM (3 pages).
  7. R. Matsumoto, H. Tsuruoka, M. Otsu and H. Utsunomiya: Fabrication of Nonporous Layer on Surface of ALPORAS by Friction Stir Incremental Forming, Procedia Materials Science, 4(2014), pp. 239-243. (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (Metfoam 2013)) [DOI:10.1016/j.mspro.2014.07.612] [CiNii]
  8. H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Deformation Processing of Porous Metals and Metallic Foams, Procedia Materials Science, 4(2014), pp. 245-249. (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (Metfoam 2013)) [DOI:10.1016/j.mspro.2014.07.614]
  9. R. Matsumoto, S. Harada and H. Utsunomiya: Friction in Hot Forging of Chrome Steel Covered with Oxide Scale Film Generated at Steam Atmosphere, Key Engineering Materials, 622-623(2014), pp. 194-200. (Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2014)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.622-623.194]
  10. S. Kanatani, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Filling of Surface Pores of Aluminum Foam with Aluminum Powder by Selective Laser Melting, Key Engineering Materials, 622-623(2014), pp. 861-867. (Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2014)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.622-623.861]
  11. N. Hattori, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Residual Stress Distribution through Thickness in Cold-Rolled Aluminum Sheet, Key Engineering Materials, 622-623(2014), pp. 1000-1007. (Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2014)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.622-623.1000]
  12. H. Utsunomiya, T. Ito and R. Matsumoto: Flattening of Surface Grooves in Cold Flat Rolling, Procedia Engineering, 81(2014), pp. 155-160. (Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2014)) [DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2014.09.143]
  13. R. Matsumoto, K. Hayashi and H. Utsunomiya: Identification of Friction Coefficient in High Aspect Ratio Combined Forward-Backward Extrusion with Pulse Ram Motion on Servo Press, Procedia Engineering, 81(2014), pp. 1854-1859. (Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2014)) [DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2014.10.245]
  14. M. Nakamoto, A. Fukuda, H. Goto, R. Matsumoto, M. Suzuki, H. Utsunomiya and T. Tanaka: Trial of Metal-Metal Joining by Unusual Wetting on Laser-Treated Surface Fine Crevasse Structure, Proceedings of the Malaysia Japan International Institute Technology - Japanese University Consortium (MJIIT-JUC) Joint International Symposium 2014, (2014), CD-ROM (3 pages).


  1. M. Ikeno, R. Matsumoto, S. Hamaya, E. Murai, K. Hayashi and H. Utsunomiya: Material Flow in Combined Forward-Backward Extrusion with Pulse Ram Motion on Servo Press, Proceedings of the 6th JSTP International Seminar on Precision Forging (ISPF 2013), (2013), pp. 125-128.
  2. R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Cold Piercing of Cylindrical Aluminum Billet with Counter Punch Pressure, Key Engineering Materials, 554-557(2013), pp. 613-619. (Proceedings of the 16th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2013)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.554-557.613]
  3. R. Matsumoto, J.Y. Jeon and H. Utsunomiya: Shape Accuracy of Forged Deep Hole for Lightweight Structural Component in Forging with Pulse Ram Motion on a Servo Press, Proceedings of the 46th International Cold Forging Group Plenary Meeting (ICFG 2013), (2013), USB Stick (7 pages).
  4. R. Matsumoto, T. Chida and H. Utsunomiya: Indentation Plastic Joining of Bar and Plate with Bar Oscillation Using Servo Press, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Interfacial Joining and Surface Technology, (2013), pp. 101-102. [ISBN:9784-906110-24-7]


  1. J. Rozwadowska, K. Kida, E.C. Santos, T. Honda, H. Koike, Y. Kashima and R. Matsumoto: Coating of Ti64 Bearings in Air by Using a Q-Sw Laser, Advanced Materials Research, 418-420(2012), pp. 393-397. (Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes (ICAMMP 2011)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.418-420.393]
  2. E.C. Santos, K. Kida, J. Rozwadowska, T. Honda, H. Koike, K. Kanemasu, Y. Kashima and R. Matsumoto: Wear Resistance Improvement of Titanium Bearings by Laser Gas Nitriding, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 152-154(2012), pp. 1227-1232. (Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials (ICMEM 2012)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.152-154.1227]
  3. R. Matsumoto, S. Sawa and H. Utsunomiya: Cold Backward Extrusion of Titanium Billet with Pulsating Lubricant Supply on Servo Press, Key Engineering Materials, 504-506(2012), pp. 381-386. (Proceedings of the 15th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2012)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.504-506.381]
  4. K. Hara, H. Utsunomiya, R. Matsumoto and T. Sakai: Influence of Scale on Hot Rolling Characteristics of Si-Bearing Steel Sheets, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 379(2012), 012043. (6 pages) [DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/379/1/012043]
    (K. Hara, H. Utsunomiya, R. Matsumoto and T. Sakai: Influence of Scale on Hot Rolling Characteristics of Si-Bearing Steel Sheets, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Materials Science and Innovation for Sustainable Society -Eco-Materials and Eco-Innovation Global Sustainability- (ECO-MATES 2011), 2(2011), pp. 241-242.)
  5. A. Muraoka, H. Utsunomiya, R. Matsumoto and T. Sakai: Improvement in Rolling Workability of Fe3Al by High-Speed Rolling, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 379(2012), 012044. (6 pages) [DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/379/1/012044]
    (A. Muraoka, H. Utsunomiya, R. Matsumoto and T. Sakai: Improvement in Rolling Workability of Fe3Al by High-Speed Rolling, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Materials Science and Innovation for Sustainable Society -Eco-Materials and Eco-Innovation Global Sustainability- (ECO-MATES 2011), 2(2011), pp. 245-246.)
  6. K. Ohashi, H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Evaluation of r-value of Steels Using Vickers Hardness Test, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 379(2012), 012045. (6 pages) [DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/379/1/012045]
    (K. Ohashi, H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Measurement of r-value of Steels Using Vickers Hardness Test, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Materials Science and Innovation for Sustainable Society -Eco-Materials and Eco-Innovation Global Sustainability- (ECO-MATES 2011), 2(2011), pp. 249-250.)
  7. R. Matsumoto, J.Y. Jeon and H. Utsunomiya: Enhancement of Forming Limit in Backward Extrusion with Pulsating Lubricant Supply on Servo Press, Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP 2012), (2012), CD-ROM (2 pages). [ISBN:978-93-80689-09-8] (日本機械学会 機械材料・材料加工部門 部門一般表彰(優秀講演論文部門))
  8. R. Matsumoto, M. Otsu, M. Yamasaki, T. Mayama, H. Utsunomiya and Y. Kawamura: Flow Stress Curves of α-Mg and LPSO Single Phase Alloys and Finite Element Analysis for Forming of Mg-Zn-Y Two-Phase Alloy, Proceedings of the 7th ICFG Workshop on Process Simulation in Metalforming, (2012), pp. 82-85 (USB Stick).
  9. R. Matsumoto: How Should Flow Stress Curves Be Identified?, Proceedings of the 7th ICFG Workshop on Process Simulation in Metalforming, (2012), pp. 100-102 (USB Stick).
  10. H. Tsuruoka, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Rolling Characteristics of Porous Aluminum, Steel Research International, (2012), Special Edition, pp. 103-106. (Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2012)) [ISBN:978-3-514-00797-0] [Link]
  11. R. Matsumoto, Y. Osumi and H. Utsunomiya: Selective Die Quenching of Hot Forged Steel Product Using High and Low Thermal Conductivity Tools on a Servo Press, Steel Research International, (2012), Special Edition, pp. 207-210. (Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2012)) [ISBN:978-3-514-00797-0] [Link]
  12. K. Hara, S. Doi, H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Influence of Scale on Hot Rolling Characteristics of Stainless Steel Sheets, Steel Research International, (2012), Special Edition, pp. 1011-1014. (Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2012)) [ISBN:978-3-514-00797-0] [Link]
  13. T. Ito, H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Influence of Lubrication on Surface Quality of Cold-Rolled OFHC Copper Sheet, Steel Research International, (2012), Special Edition, pp. 1063-1066. (Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2012)) [ISBN:978-3-514-00797-0] [Link]
  14. A. Muraoka, H. Utsunomiya, R. Matsumoto and T. Sakai: Improvement in Formability of Fe-x%Al (x=26-28) by High-Speed Rolling, Steel Research International, (2012), Special Edition, pp. 1095-1098. (Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2012)) [ISBN:978-3-514-00797-0] [Link]
  15. R. Matsumoto, Y. Osumi and H. Utsunomiya: Hot Forging with Consideration of Thermal Conductivity of Die Material on Servo Press, Proceedings of the 12th Asian Symposium on Precision Forging (ASPF 2012), (2012), pp. 39-43.
  16. E.C. Santos, J. Rozwadowska, K. Kida, T. Honda, Y. Kashima, R. Matsumoto and C. Guo: Comparison between the RCF Performance of TiN- and TiO2-Laser Coated Ti64 Bearings, Advanced Materials Research, 566(2012), pp. 308-312. (Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMDME 2012)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.566.308]


  1. R. Matsumoto, S. Sawa, H. Utsunomiya and K. Osakada: Backward Extrusion Method with Pulsating Lubricant Supply on Servo Press, Proceedings of the JSME/ASME 2011 International Conference on Materials and Processing (ICM&P 2011), (2011), CD-ROM (6 pages).
  2. R. Matsumoto, M. Otsu, M. Yamasaki, T. Mayama, H. Utsunomiya and Y. Kawamura: Application of Mixture Rule to Finite Element Analysis for Forging of Mg-Zn-Y Alloys with Long Period Stacking Ordered Structure, Proceedings of the 6th ICFG Workshop on Process Simulation in Metalforming, (2011), pp. 5-6 (CD-ROM). (Invited)
  3. J. Rozwadowska, K. Kida, E.C. Santos, T. Honda, H. Koike, Y. Kashima, K. Kanemasu and R. Matsumoto: Rolling Contact Fatigue of Titanium Alloys Coated by Gas Nitriding Using a Q-Sw Laser, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 83(2011), pp. 191-196. (Proceedings of the International Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2010 (ICEM 2010)) [DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.83.191]
  4. E.C. Santos, K. Kida, J. Rozwadowska, Y. Kashima and R. Matsumoto: Rolling Contact Fatigue of Ti64 Bearings before and after Laser Gas Nitriding, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Fracture Mechanics (Scientific Papers of the Opole Technical University, 343(2011), Mechanics z. 99), (2011). (14 pages)
  5. J. Kawahara, R. Matsumoto, S. Mori and K. Osakada: Predicting Fatigue Life of Carbide Tool Using Elastic-Plastic FEM, Proceedings of the 44th International Cold Forging Group Plenary Meeting (ICFG 2011), (2011), pp. 55-59.
  6. R. Matsumoto, S. Sawa and H. Utsunomiya: Cold Backward Extrusion of Titanium Billet with Combined Pulse and Stepwise Punch Motion on Servo Press, Proceedings of the 44th International Cold Forging Group Plenary Meeting (ICFG 2011), (2011), pp. 165-169.
  7. R. Matsumoto, T. Chida and H. Utsunomiya: Improvement of Bonding Strength of Bar and Plate in Indentation Plastic Joining with Bar Oscillation Using Servo Press, Steel Research International, 82(2011), Special Edition, pp. 634-638. (Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2011)) [ISBN:978-3-514-00784-0]
  8. R. Matsumoto, M. Otsu, M. Yamasaki, T. Mayama, H. Utsunomiya and Y. Kawamura: Mixture Rule of Flow Stress Curves of Mg-Zn-Y Alloys with Long Period Stacking Ordered Phase in Forging, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Materials Science and Innovation for Sustainable Society -Eco-Materials and Eco-Innovation Global Sustainability- (ECO-MATES 2011), 1(2011), pp. 79-80.
  9. J.Y. Jeon, R. Matsumoto, S. Sawa and H. Utsunomiya: Forming Limit of Aluminum Alloy in Forming of Deep Hole with Combined Pulse and Stepwise Ram Motion on Servo Press, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Materials Science and Innovation for Sustainable Society -Eco-Materials and Eco-Innovation Global Sustainability- (ECO-MATES 2011), 2(2011), pp. 67-68.
  10. D.J. Yoon, H. Utsunomiya, R. Matsumoto and T. Sakai: Changes in Hardness Statistics of Copper and Brass Sheets by Cold Rolling, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Materials Science and Innovation for Sustainable Society -Eco-Materials and Eco-Innovation Global Sustainability- (ECO-MATES 2011), 2(2011), pp. 243-244.


  1. R. Matsumoto: Development of Forging Processes of Magnesium Alloys on Servo Press, Steel Research International, 81-9(2010), Special Edition, pp. 1233-1238. (Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2010)) [DOI:10.1002/srin.201190002] (Keynote)
  2. R. Matsumoto: Forging Process of Cast Magnesium Alloy with Consideration of Grain Refinement and Texture Evolution, Steel Research International, 81-9(2010), Special Edition, pp. 1255-1258. (Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2010)) [DOI:10.1002/srin.201190002]
  3. M. Terano, K. Kitamura, R. Matsumoto and Y. Mizuno: Estimation of Plastic Anisotropy and Compressive Stress-Strain Curve of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Extruded Bar for High-Accuracy FE Analysis, Steel Research International, 81-9(2010), Special Edition, pp. 1263-1266. (Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2010)) [DOI:10.1002/srin.201190002]
  4. R. Matsumoto, Y. Osumi and K. Osakada: Die Quenching of Steel Product Using Tungsten Carbide Dies in Hot Forging with a Servo Press, Proceedings of the 11th Asian Symposium on Precision Forging (ASPF 2010), (2010), pp. 159-162.


  1. A. Ogura, R. Matsumoto, S. Hanami, H. Yoshimura and K. Osakada: Development of Plastic Joining Method Using Indentation of Cold Bar to Hot Plate, Proceedings of the 5th JSTP International Seminar on Precision Forging (ISPF 2009), (2009), pp. 185-188.
  2. R. Matsumoto and T. Chida: Development of Plastic Joining Method Using Indentation of Aluminum Bar to Aluminum Plate, Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP 2009), (2009), CD-ROM (10 pages). (Abstract Book of the 2nd ASMP, p. 96.) [ISBN:978-983-3986-56-9]
  3. R. Matsumoto, Y. Togase and K. Osakada: Forming Limit of Magnesium Alloy in Warm Forging Using CNC Servo Press with Controlled Forming Speed, Magnesium - 8th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications (e.d. K.U. Kainer), (2009), pp. 1011-1017. [ISBN:978-3-527-32732-4]


  1. S. Nishiyama, R. Matsumoto and K. Osakada: Piercing of Cylindrical Billet with Counter Pressure and Forward Extrusion of a Small Diameter Helical Gear, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2008 (e.d. D.Y. Yang et al.), (2008), pp. 1543-1548 (CD-ROM). (Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2008), pp. 598-599.) [ISBN:978-89-5708-151-8]
  2. R. Matsumoto and K. Osakada: Forging Limit Improvement of Commercial Magnesium Alloys by Heat Treatment, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2008 (e.d. D.Y. Yang et al.), (2008), pp. 2247-2252 (CD-ROM). (Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2008), p. 841.) [ISBN:978-89-5708-151-8]
  3. R. Matsumoto and K. Osakada: Measurement of Friction of Aluminium Alloys in Cold Forging with Small Quantity Lubrication, Steel Research International, 79(2008), Special Edition, vol. 2, pp. 73-79. (Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2008))


  1. R. Matsumoto and K. Osakada: Evaluation of Dry Friction between AZ31B Magnesium Alloy and Coated Tools by Tapered Plug Penetration Test, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes (ICTMP 2007), (2007), pp. 203-206. [ISBN:978-4-9903785-0-9]
  2. R. Matsumoto: Development of Forging Process of Commercial Magnesium Alloys, Proceedings of the 10th Asian Symposium on Precision Forging (ASPF 2007), (2007), pp. 130-141. (Invited Lecture)


  1. R. Matsumoto, T. Kubo and K. Osakada: Some Attempts to Improve Cold Forgeability of Magnesium Alloy AZ31B, Proceedings of the 4th JSTP International Seminar on Precision Forging (ISPF 2006), (2006), pp. 191-194.
  2. K. Kitamura, R. Matsumoto and A. Putz: Future Challenges in Precision Forging Technology - A Report of Discussion Hour at the 4th ISPF -, Proceedings of the 39th International Cold Forging Group Plenary Meeting (ICFG 2006), (2006), pp. 120-128.
  3. R. Matsumoto, H. Kawashima and K. Osakada: Friction and Adhesion in Dry Warm Forging of Magnesium Alloy with Coated Tools, Proceedings of the Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing 2006 (ASMP 2006), (2006), p. 57. [DOI:10.1299/jsmeasmp.2006.57] [CiNii]


  1. K. Osakada, M. Otsu and R. Matsumoto: Thermal Forming of Pipes, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Thermal Forming (e.d. F. Vollertsen et al.) (IWOTE'05), (2005), pp. 131-138. [ISBN:3-933762-16-2] (Invited)
  2. S. Hanami, K. Osakada, R. Matsumoto and H. Yoshimura: Development of Plastic Joining Method Using Indentation, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 26-5(2005), pp. 553-557. (Proceedings of the 9th Asian Symposium on Precision Forging (ASPF 2005))
  3. R. Matsumoto, T. Kubo and K. Osakada: High Aspect Ratio Piercing of Magnesium Alloy AZ31B Using Double Axis Servo-Press, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 26-5(2005), pp. 579-583. (Proceedings of the 9th Asian Symposium on Precision Forging (ASPF 2005))
  4. R. Matsumoto, T. Kubo and K. Osakada: Cold Piercing of Cylindrical Billet of Magnesium Alloy against Counter Pressure, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2005 (e.d. P.F. Bariani), (2005), pp. 123-124. (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2005), CD-ROM (6 pages).) [ISBN:88-87331-74-X]


  1. R. Matsumoto and K. Osakada: Warm Forging Method of Magnesium Alloys Using Material Properties, Proceedings of the 3rd JSTP International Seminar on Precision Forging (ISPF 2004), (2004), pp. 179-184.
  2. R. Matsumoto and K. Osakada: Precision Warm Forging of Magnesium Alloy with Consideration of Material Property, Proceedings of the 37th International Cold Forging Group Plenary Meeting (ICFG 2004), (2004). (6 pages) (International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) International Prize 2004)


  1. R. Matsumoto and K. Osakada: Fundamental Study of Semi-Dry Forging with Mist Lubrication, Proceedings of the 8th Asian Symposium on Precision Forging (ASPF 2003), (2003), pp. 31-35.
  2. S. Hanami, R. Matsumoto, M. Otsu, K. Osakada and D. Hayashida: Combined Forward-Backward Extrusion with Controlled Reversal Ram Motion -Effect of Reversal Ram Motion-, Proceedings of the 8th Asian Symposium on Precision Forging (ASPF 2003), (2003), pp. 162-166.


  1. R. Matsumoto and K. Osakada: Friction in Cold Forging with Coated Tools under Dry and Semi-Dry Conditions, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2002 (e.d. M. Kiuchi et al.), 1(2002), pp. 763-768. (Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2002))


  1. K. Osakada and R. Matsumoto: Some Attempts on Dry Metal Forming, Proceedings of International Workshop on Environment Conscious Metal Processing (ICEM-99), (1999), pp. 133-138.

国際会議Abstract (Abstract of International Conference)

[2007年] [2008年] [2009年] [2010年] [2011年] [2012年] [2013年] [2015年] [2016年] [2017年] [2021年] [2022年] [2023年] [2024年]


  1. R. Matsumoto, Y. Monda and H. Utsunomiya: Reduction in Barreling of Hollow Cylinder by Ram Pulsation in Upsetting, Abstract Book of the 7th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP 2024), (2024). (1 page)


  1. H. Utsunomiya, T. Jinnouchi, K. Okumura, R. Matsumoto and T. Kitagawa: Speeds of Stacked Layers during Cold Roll Bonding, Abstract Book of the 11th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM 11), (2023), p. 843.


  1. X. Li, H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Molecular Dynamic Study on Conversion of Plastic Work of Materials into Heat, Book of Abstracts of the 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength and the 13th Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure (APCFS/SIF 2022), (2022), p. 22.


  1. W. Jiang, T. Miura, R. Matsumoto, M. Okada and M. Otsu: Penetrating Tool Friction Stir Incremental Forming Using Alternating Tool Path Direction, Program of the 13th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2021), (2021), p. 11.


  1. M. Otsu, Y. Song, M. Okada, H. Yoshimura, R. Matsumoto and T. Muranaka: Forming and Joining Simultaneous Processing of Magnesium Alloy Sheets and Pure Aluminum Sheets by Friction Stir Incremental Forming, Abstract Book of the Frontiers in Materials Processing Applications, Research and Technology (FiMPART'17), (2017), USB-Stick. (Invited)
  2. R. Matsumoto, J. Kou and H. Utsunomiya: Development of Forging Process with Cyclic Alternating Torsion Die Motion, Abstract Book of the Frontiers in Materials Processing Applications, Research and Technology (FiMPART'17), (2017), USB-Stick. (Invited)


  1. R. Matsumoto, S. Kanatani and H. Utsunomiya: Compressive Deformation Behavior of Aluminum Foam Filled Surface Pores with Polyamide by Selective Laser Melting, Program Book of the 19th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2016), (2016), USB Stick (4 pages).
  2. S. Mori, R. Matsumoto, M. Otsu and H. Utsunomiya: Thickening of Skin Surface Layer of Aluminum Foam by Friction Stir Incremental Forming and Incremental Hammering, Abstracts & Programme Book of the Advances in Materials & Processing Technologies Conference (AMPT 2016), (2016), p. 64.
  3. T. Imai, H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Finite Element Analysis of Plastic Instability Phenomenon in Cold Rolling of Clad Sheets, Abstracts & Programme Book of the Advances in Materials & Processing Technologies Conference (AMPT 2016), (2016), p. 96.
  4. R. Matsumoto, J. Kou and H. Utsunomiya: Finite Element Analysis of Axial Forming Load Reduction in Upsetting with Cyclic Torsion Die Motion, Abstracts & Programme Book of the Advances in Materials & Processing Technologies Conference (AMPT 2016), (2016), p. 124.
  5. H. Utsunomiya, K. Tada, R. Matsumoto, K. Watanabe and K. Matsuda: Nano Precipitation and Hardening of Die-Quenched 6061 Aluminum Alloy, Program and Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology (ICNST 2016), (2016), p. 30. (Plenary Lecture)


  1. W.Y. Kim, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Deformation of Aluminum Foam in Cold Extrusion Process, Abstracts Book of the 9th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (Metfoam 2015), (2015), p. 81.
  2. R. Matsumoto, H. Tsuruoka, M. Otsu and H. Utsunomiya: Compressive Deformation Behavior of Aluminum Foam with Skin Surface Layer Formed by Friction Stir Incremental Forming, Abstracts Book of the 9th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (Metfoam 2015), (2015), p. 129.


  1. K. Hara, H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Microstructure of Oxide Scale on Hot-Rolled Iron, Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC'2013), (2013), pp. 224-225.
  2. J.Y. Jeon, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Feasibility Study on Die Quenching of AA2024 Aluminum Alloy Billet Using Servo Press, Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC'2013), (2013), p. 272.
  3. T. Kazaoka, D. Zhou, N. Kataoka, R. Matsumoto and H. Utsunomiya: Microstructural Evolution of 5052 Aluminum Alloy Sheets in High-Speed Rolling, Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC'2013), (2013), p. 299.
  4. A. Muraoka, H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Deformability of Fe3Al Sheets in High-Speed Rolling: Dependence of Long-Range Order Parameter, Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC'2013), (2013), p. 628. (Invited)


  1. R. Matsumoto, J.Y. Jeon, S. Sawa and H. Utsunomiya: Forming Limit Enhancement of Aluminum Alloy in Hole Forming with Pulsating Lubricant Supply Using Servo Press, 2012 International Capstone Design Contest on Renewable Energy Technology, (2012), pp. 28-31. (Runners-Up of Capstone Design Contest)
  2. J.Y. Jeon, H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Die Quenching of AA2024 Aluminum Alloy on Servo Press and Subsequent Aging Behavior, Abstract Book of the International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology (ICNST 2012), (2012), pp. 116-117.
  3. Z.J. Zhou, H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Grain Refinement of Pure Molybdenum Sheet by Cold Rolling, Abstract Book of the International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology (ICNST 2012), (2012), pp. 168-169.
  4. D.J. Yoon, A. Miyazaki, H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Change in Hardness Statistics and Mechanical Properties during Isothermal Annealing of OFHC Copper Sheet, Abstract Book of the International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology (ICNST 2012), (2012), pp. 175-176.
  5. H. Utsunomiya, H. Tsuruoka, R. Matsumoto, S. Suzuki, T. Ide and H. Nakajima: Forming of Profiled Strip from Porous Metal by Rolling, Abstract Book of the International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology (ICNST 2012), (2012), pp. 391-392. (Invited)


  1. R. Matsumoto, M. Otsu, M. Yamasaki, T. Mayama, H. Utsunomiya and Y. Kawamura: Finite Element Analysis with Consideration of Mixture Rule for Forging of Cast Mg-Zn-Y Alloys with Long Period Stacking Ordered Phase, Extended Abstracts Book of the 4th Asian Symposium on Magnesium Alloys (ASMA 2011), (2011), pp. 53-54 (USB Stick). (Invited)


  1. R. Matsumoto: Tribology of Magnesium Alloys in Forging with Coated Tools, Abstracts of the 6th KU-KITECH Symposium on Bulk Metallic Glasses and Advanced Materials, (2010), p. 6. (Invited)


  1. R. Matsumoto: Some Methods for Improving Forgeability of Commercial AZ31B Magnesium Alloy in Cold Forging, Abstracts Book of the 3rd Asian Symposium on Magnesium Alloys (ASMA 2009), (2009), p. 100. (Invited)
  2. R. Matsumoto: Ductility Enhancement of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy in Warm Forging with Controlled Forging Speed on Servo Press, Abstracts Book of the 4th Pan-Yellow Sea Rim International Symposium on Magnesium Alloys, (2009), p. 16. (Invited)


  1. R. Matsumoto: Development of Warm and Cold Forging Methods for Magnesium Alloys, Abstracts of the 4th KU-KITECH Symposium on Bulk Metallic Glasses and Advanced Materials, (2008), p. 14. (Invited)


  1. R. Matsumoto, T. Kubo and K. Osakada: Cold Forging of Commercial Magnesium Alloy against Counter Pressure, Extended Abstracts of the 2nd Asian Symposium on Magnesium Alloys (ASMA 2007), (2007), pp. 238-239.


[2004年] [2005年] [2006年] [2009年] [2010年] [2011年] [2012年] [2013年] [2014年] [2015年] [2016年] [2017年] [2018年] [2019年] [2020年] [2021年] [2022年] [2023年] [2024年]


  1. 松本 良: 微小ディンプルを有する冷間鍛造用金型のトライボロジー特性, トライボロジー, 439(2024), 38-41.
  2. 松本 良: 機械工学年鑑(6.2.2 塑性加工), 日本機械学会ホームページ, (2024). [Link]
  3. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス・トライボロジー2023年報告(2. トライボロジーの基礎), ぷらすとす, 7-80(2024), 481-486. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.7.80_481]
  4. 松本 良: 年間展望鍛造2023年報告(6. 軽量化鍛造,特殊鍛造), ぷらすとす, 7-81(2024), 553-557. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.7.81_553]


  1. 松本 良: ねじり付加冷間鍛造技術の開発, プレス技術, 61-5(2023), 28-32. [CiNii]
  2. 松本 良: 機械工学年鑑(6.2.2 塑性加工), 日本機械学会ホームページ, (2023). [Link]
  3. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス・トライボロジー2022年報告(2. トライボロジーの基礎), ぷらすとす, 6-68(2023), 443-447. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.6.68_443]
  4. 北嶋具教, 松本 良, 吉田佳典, 松本洋明, 萩原益夫: Ti-6Al-4Vの恒温鍛造中の鍛造材温度変化の測定と予測, チタン, 71-4(2023), 289-295.


  1. 松本 良: 鍛造におけるねじり付加の応用, ぷらすとす, 5-50(2022), 63-68. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.5.50_63] [CiNii]
  2. 松本 良: 機械工学年鑑(6.2.2 塑性加工), 日本機械学会ホームページ, (2022). [Link]
  3. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス可視化・知能化, ぷらすとす, 5-56(2022), 527-530. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.5.56_527]
  4. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス・トライボロジー(2. トライボロジーの基礎), ぷらすとす, 5-57(2022), 566-570. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.5.57_566]


  1. 松本 良: 金型に着目した振動モーション付加鍛造, 型技術, 36-4(2021), 34-37. [CiNii]
  2. 松本 良: スライドモーション制御鍛造プロセスの研究・開発における有限要素シミュレーションの活用, ぷらすとす, 4-39(2021), 165-169. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.4.39_165] [CiNii]
  3. 松本 良: 機械工学年鑑(6.2.2 塑性加工), 日本機械学会ホームページ, (2021). [Link]
  4. 松本 良: 年間展望ポーラス材料(4.1 機械的特性), ぷらすとす, 4-44(2021), 538-542. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.4.44_538]
  5. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス・トライボロジー(2. トライボロジーの基礎), ぷらすとす, 4-45(2021), 572-575. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.4.45_572]


  1. 松本 良: 機械工学年鑑(5.2.2 塑性加工), 日本機械学会ホームページ, (2020). [Link]
  2. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス・トライボロジー(2. トライボロジーの基礎), ぷらすとす, 3-32(2020), 458-461. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.3.32_458]
  3. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス可視化・知能化技術, ぷらすとす, 3-32(2020), 492-495. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.3.32_492]
  4. 松本 良: 年間展望ポーラス材料(5.1(1) 静的特性), ぷらすとす, 3-33(2020), 558-560. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.3.33_558]


  1. 松本 良, 梶岡 彰, 森 章司: ショットピーニング処理により形成された表面微小凹凸を有する冷間鍛造用金型のトライボロジー特性, ぷらすとす, 2-14(2019), 116-120. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.2.14_116] [CiNii]
  2. 松本 良: ショットピーニングにより表面テクスチャを形成した冷間鍛造用金型のトライボロジー特性, メカニカル・サーフェス・テック, No.50(2019), 27-29. [CiNii]
  3. 松本 良: 機械工学年鑑(6.2.2 塑性加工), 日本機械学会ホームページ, (2019). [Link]
  4. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス・トライボロジー(2. トライボロジーの基礎), ぷらすとす, 2-20(2019), 470-475. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.2.20_470]
  5. 松本 良: 年間展望ポーラス材料(4.1(1) 静的特性), ぷらすとす, 2-21(2019), 584-588. [DOI:10.32277/plastos.2.21_584]


  1. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス・トライボロジー(2. トライボロジーの基礎), ぷらすとす, 1-8(2018), 532-537.
  2. 松本 良: 年間展望ポーラス材料(5.1(1) 静的特性), ぷらすとす, 1-9(2018), 649-653.


  1. 松本 良: サーボプレスの活用による鍛造加工限界の向上, 塑性と加工, 58-674(2017), 187-191. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.58.187] [CiNii]
  2. 松本 良: 鍛造加工におけるねじりモーション付加による軸方向加工荷重の低減, プレス技術, 55-11(2017), 30-33. [CiNii] [Link]
  3. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス・トライボロジー(2. トライボロジーの基礎), 塑性と加工, 58-680(2017), 732-736. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.58.732] [CiNii]
  4. 松本 良: 年間展望ポーラス材料(5.1(1) 静的特性), 塑性と加工, 58-680(2017), 802-806. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.58.802] [CiNii]


  1. 松本 良: ステライト肉盛り溶接金型を用いた熱間鍛造, JFA(Japan Forging Association), 53(2016), 60-64. [ISSN:1347-5746] [CiNii]
  2. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス・トライボロジー(2. トライボロジーの基礎), 塑性と加工, 57-667(2016), 709-713. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.57.709] [CiNii]
  3. 松本 良: 年間展望ポーラス材料(5.1(1) 静的特性), 塑性と加工, 57-667(2016), 776-780. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.57.776] [CiNii]


  1. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス・トライボロジー(2. トライボロジーの基礎), 塑性と加工, 56-655(2015), 605-611. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.56.605] [CiNii]
  2. 松本 良: 年間展望ポーラス材料(6. 二次加工), 塑性と加工, 56-655(2015), 680-684. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.56.680] [CiNii]
  3. 松本 良: 加工プロセスによるポーラス金属表面へのスキン層形成と機械的特性, 生産と技術, 67-4(2015), 77-80. [CiNii] [Link]


  1. 松本 良: サーボプレスを活用した振動付加植込み接合, 溶接学会誌, 83-3(2014), 195-198. [DOI:10.2207/jjws.83.195] [CiNii]
  2. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス・トライボロジー(7. 各種加工法), 塑性と加工, 55-643(2014), 684-688. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.55.684] [CiNii]
  3. 松本 良: 年間展望ポーラス材料(6. 工業的応用), 塑性と加工, 55-643(2014), 753-757. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.55.753] [CiNii]
  4. 松本 良: 加工モーションを制御した塑性加工法に関する研究, 塑性と加工, 55-647(2014), 1068-1072. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.55.1068] [CiNii] (学術賞受賞解説)


  1. 松本 良, 宇都宮 裕: 鍛造加工におけるドライ・セミドライ化, 塑性と加工, 54-626(2013), 210-214. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.54.210] [CiNii]
  2. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス・トライボロジー(7. 各種加工法), 塑性と加工, 54-631(2013), 669-674. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.54.669] [CiNii]
  3. 松本 良: 年間展望ポーラス材料(3.1 二次塑性加工), 塑性と加工, 54-631(2013), 734-738. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.54.734] [CiNii]
  4. 宇都宮 裕, 大津雅亮, 飯塚高志, 松本 良: アルミニウム合金の塑性加工の限界への挑戦, 軽金属, 63-9(2013), 329-336. [DOI:10.2464/jilm.63.329] [CiNii]


  1. 松本 良: 年間展望プロセス・トライボロジー(7. 各種加工法), 塑性と加工, 53-619(2012), 676-681. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.53.676] [CiNii]


  1. 松本 良: 植込み接合, 素形材, 52-7(2011), 51-54. [Link]
  2. 松本 良, 塩見誠規: 硬さ分布を有する傾斜機能超硬金型の創製, 素形材, 52-10(2011), 33-37. [Link]
  3. 松本 良: サーボプレスと潤滑油流路付きパンチによる逐次潤滑穴成形加工, プレス技術, 49-11(2011), 64-67. [CiNii] [Link]


  1. 松本 良: サーボプレスを利用したマグネシウム合金の鍛造加工, プレス技術, 48-7(2010), 44-48. [CiNii]
  2. 松本 良: マグネシウム合金の塑性加工におけるトライボロジー, トライボロジスト, 55-12(2010), 867-872. [CiNii] [Link]


  1. 松本 良: 市販AZ31Bマグネシウム合金の冷間鍛造, 塑性と加工, 50-585(2009), 914-918. [DOI:10.9773/sosei.50.914] [CiNii]


  1. 松本 良, 小坂田宏造: マグネシウム合金の精密鍛造技術, 機械の研究, 58-2(2006), 249-254. [CiNii]
  2. 小坂田宏造, 松本 良: 鍛造テクノロジーの動向と課題, プレス技術, 44-11(2006), 18-21. [CiNii]
  3. K. Kitamura, R. Matsumoto, A. Putz and H. Sekiguchi: Future Challenges in Precision Forging Technology, WIRE, 56-6(2006), pp. 21-25. [CiNii]


  1. 松本 良, 小坂田宏造: マグネシウム合金のドライ・セミドライ加工, 塑性と加工, 46-528(2005), 43-47. [CiNii]
  2. 松本 良, 小坂田宏造: マグネシウム合金の精密鍛造加工技術, プレス技術, 43-2(2005), 32-35. [CiNii]


  1. 小坂田宏造, 松本 良: サーボモータプレスモーション制御による打抜き騒音の低減, プレス技術, 42-5(2004), 25-28. [CiNii]
  2. R. Matsumoto and K. Osakada: Precision Warm Forging of Magnesium Alloy with Consideration of Material Property, WIRE, 54-6(2004), pp. 20-24. (International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) International Prize 2004)



  1. 日本塑性加工学会編: プロセス・トライボロジー, (2020), コロナ社. [ISBN:978-4-339-04373-0](松本 良: 7.1 鍛造の力学と摩擦・潤滑(216-231), 7.2 冷間鍛造(231-248))


  1. 日本塑性加工学会編: 鍛造, (2018), コロナ社. [ISBN:978-4-339-04379-2](松本 良: 10章 鍛造機械および周辺装置(343-376)および全章取りまとめ)


  1. H. Utsunomiya and R. Matsumoto: Advanced Materials Design with Forming, Progress in Advanced Structural and Functional Materials Design (e.d. T. Kakeshita), (2013), Springer, pp. 3-14. [ISBN:978-4-431-54063-2]


  1. 小坂田宏造, 石川孝司, 小野宗憲, 森下弘一, 安藤弘行(編集協力者(全般): 松本 良): 精密鍛造, (2010), 日刊工業新聞社. [ISBN:978-4-526-06554-5] [正誤表]



  1. 松本 良, 外村圭資, 宇都宮 裕: 難塑性加工金属の塑性加工方法, 特願2021-167478, 特開2023-057806. [Link]
  2. 松本 良, 宇都宮 裕, 小倉 篤, 池野 誠: 積層成形材およびその製造方法, PCT/JP2021/48245, 特願2023-539129, WO2023/119633. [Link]


  1. 吉村豹治, 小坂田宏造, 花見眞司, 松本 良, 渡部 豊: 金属部材の固定方法及びフランジ付軸部材, 特願2007-137601, 特開2008-000817, 特許第5229980号. [Link]
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